Several authors have tried to warn us over the last few months of the signs of the depopulation agenda at play.
For acute observers, it is obvious that authorities around the world do everything they can to exagerate the threat of Covid and to minimize or just ignore the massive vaccine adverse reactions already reported, either in the US or in Europe. That in itself is a major warning sign that authorities do not have our best interest in mind. The masses probably have never been lied so much to in the history of mankind.
"Imagine if someone or some group of powerful elites wanted to reduce the global population by many billions of people. And they figured the best way to achieve that objective would be to inject people with a mysterious pathogen that had been secretly developed in foreign labs for over a decade. Imagine if that lethal antigen not only triggered heart attacks, strokes and catastrophic vascular injury, but also disabled the body's critical defense (immune) system, thus, increasing one's susceptibility to infections, viruses and diseases by many orders of magnitude. Imagine if we saw signs that this plan was unfolding before our very eyes, from the mountain of corpses that were riddled with killer lymphocytes, to the sharp rise in excess deaths and all-cause mortality, to the unexplained surge in cardiac arrests, strokes, autoimmunity, bleeding, clotting, headaches, bruising, inflammation, heart-valve problems, brain bleeds, vascular, neurological and respiratory diseases all suspiciously linked to the initiation of a mass vaccination campaign.
Could such a thing could happen in this day and age? Could anyone be bold enough to launch a war against humanity? Is anyone capable of such evil?
Yes, they are."