Between September and November 2021, I travelled to eastern Georgia. And I discovered series of graffitis that I interpreted as sign that the take-over of the planet by hubrids was under way, via the mass vaccination meant to anhihilate humanity.
1 - It all started with this strange sign, seen by the side of the road, between Tbilissi and Telavi, which explains that "according to ufologists, the most active area in Georgia where aliens are found is the forest of Gombori ". I am the only traveler in 5 to notice it, at the level of the Gombori pass (I later checked that there are indeed strange accounts of encounters with aliens in the area). A little further, in the middle of nowhere, I saw by the side of the road, a first graffiti of Greys, never photographed.
2 and 3 - Arrived in the town of Telavi, I found these two graffitis in the same street, some 200 meters from my hotel. They had the same design as the one seen by the side of the road.
4 and 5 - Glued to the window of my hotel room, I notice a praying mantis. I have the impression that she is watching me. I move to take another photo and see that her head follows my movement. This is the first time in my life that I have taken a picture of a praying mantis. It is only after having heard the interview with Patrick Lecoq that I realize the symbolism of this strange meeting.
6 - A few tens of meters from my second hotel, new graffiti.
7 - On the way to Tbilisi, I notice this new graffiti along the road, on the edge of the Gombori forest. An enigmatic series of 7 figures appears in which appears my favorite number, 21, which has followed me since my spiritual awakening in 2008.
8, 9, 10 - In an unlikely place, behind the facade of a building on the main street in Telavi, I find a series of 3 graffiti of Greys. I didn't realize at the time that the graphics were different from the others, but I was initially taken aback by the fact that "Grey" was explicitly written in French ('Gris", in my own language (photo 8). Who speaks French in this country, apart from its president? Certainly, there are some French tourists, but tourists do not paint tags, which is more than 3 meters high. How many French speaking people are interested in ETs in this small town of 18,000 inhabitants? The bizarre assumption that this series of graffitis was created for me pops into my mind.
The third tag (photo 10), which shows a Gray's head, two series of mysterious symbols, framed by inverted arrows, then what looks like a human's head, also appeals to me a lot. I had a Georgian check that the enigmatic signs do not correspond to anything in their alphabet. As a hypothesis to explain such a strange graffiti, comes to me the intuition that this could symbolize the hybridization between human and Gray and the eventual replacement of the former by the latter modified (the inverted arrows are what reminds me of this replacement, and the series of symbols makes one think of chemical formulas, of the H20 style). Indeed, Richard Dolan explains well in his book "The Alien Agendas", that the vast majority of abduction stories report a hybridization project between ETs and humans, the new hybrids (called "hubrids") would be called to become the new intelligent species to populate the Earth. Dolan's book was published in December 2020 and I had finished reading it just before coming to Georgia. Before Dolan, the psychiatrist John E. Mack had already written on the same subject and I was reading in parallel his second book on the subject of abductions "Passport to the Cosmos".
As I was writing these lines, I wondered if I had finished reading this last book by Mack. I found it on my bedside table, in the middle of three or 4 other books. I had stopped on page 157. And there, I discovered the first paragraph that I had not yet read and which is entitled: "teaching through symbols", which begins with these lines "Abductees frequently report that they see or are shown strange writings in the ships, which they assume represents a symbology of some sort that they do not comprehend "; And there, I say "whaouh! What synchronicity! This is almost irrefutable proof that I am guided in these discoveries.
11 - Another graffiti of two grays, still in Telavi.
12 and 13 - Back in Tbilisi, although I could not get a return ticket for November 7, I have one more day to visit the city. While I had planned to cross the river at a certain bridge, I find that I had drifted along the way in an unexplained manner, whereas I usually boast that I have a good sense of direction. I went a bridge too far. So I walk along the river to find myself at the level of the initially planned bridge in order to then go to the large cathedral, except that I realize that there is no pedestrian crossing to cross the wide road that runs along the river, a bit like the old express freeway on the banks of the Seine in Paris. There are a lot of cars passing and quite fast. To cross at a safe passage, I would have to walk a good 500 meters one way or the other. I decide to try my luck by crossing in 2 steps. It's a bit daring, but the visibility is good. Once I arrived on the other side of this express freeway after this crossing at a very improbable place, I look in front of me and I still discover the same gray face seen everywhere in Telavi and around the forest of Gombori, and for the first time in Tbilisi. But that's not all. As if to confirm that it is indeed a symbol for me, there is tagged right next to it, my favorite number, 21. If I had crossed the river at the planned bridge, I would have missed this symbol. I believe again that I was guided there.
14 - While researching articles on UFO appearances in Georgia, I came across this magnificent photo on which I was able to recognize the exact point where I saw the graffiti. Suddenly, I indicated my route there, to show that I would never have seen it if I had not strangely lost my way.
Why does the graffiti in photo number 10 seem so important to me?
This is because, in addition to the works of Dolan and Mack quoted above, the information which resonates particularly with the current crisis came from the French medium Monique Mathieu, in a message dated July 24, 2021 available on her blog. After having repeatedly conveyed the message of an immense manipulation around the Covid and in particular on the fact that the vaccination was not for our good, this message went to the bottom of things, evoking an agenda and a real attempt of radical depopulation.
"The desire of certain non-human beings was to totally appropriate the planet Earth by eliminating, by eradicating all that lives, that is to say humans primarily, but not only! Even the plant kingdom does not suit them!
So these beings would like to modify planet Earth to their liking. So those who believe themselves to be all-powerful and who, ultimately, are not, manipulate again and again the fragility of human beings. "
But there is also the positive in the message:
"Do you sincerely believe that the Universe, that the immense Love of your Brothers of Light, the immense Love of God Father Mother, can accept that the earthly population is totally annihilated? (...)
So there will come a time when all this will stop, and it will stop all at once by the will of the Light, and quite simply because the times are there!
Father-Mother God does not wish the death of eight billion human beings! It is (The Earth) a magnificent school and it must be protected until it becomes a jewel which will no longer be a school, but which will be a magnificent place where souls in incarnation can rest and grow in beauty. "